Do you have an anxious dog? Read below to learn tips for soothing dogs afraid of thunderstorms!

Safe Space

When your canine is afraid, they will try to hide to feel safe. You may find them in their crate, under the bed, in a closet, or under the covers. So, set aside a space that is specifically for them. You can set them up in a private room with their bed, blankets, and toys. Additionally, close the windows and blinds to block sounds and lightning flashes from your furry friend. A basement is ideal because the thunder, wind, and rain noises will be muffled.


In addition to providing chew toys, interactive toys, and treat-dispensing toys, you can try to drown out the sounds of the storm by turning on the TV, music, or white noise. Additionally, there are YouTube videos and mobile apps that you can check out that are designed to provide anxiety relief for dogs. Furthermore, you can engage your dog in a game to keep them distracted and calm. Then, reward them with praise and a treat for staying calm to reinforce this behavior!

Calming Products

Products such as a ThunderShirt, pheromone diffusers, lavender, CBD, antihistamines melatonin, and chamomile have calming effects for your canine. Always talk with your vet before using these remedies. Depending on the severity of your dog’s anxiety, your vet may prescribe medications to help your dog cope with thunderstorms. If distractions don’t do enough to calm your furry friend, consider trying some of these calming products during thunderstorms.

Plan Ahead

Dogs are more sensitive to signs such as barometric pressure and static electricity that indicate a storm is coming. So, if you know a storm is coming or if you notice your canine showing signs of anxiety, take action! Start using pheromone diffusers or other calming products as soon as you can, as they can take some time to take effect.

If you can, desensitizing your four-legged friend to storms is the best way to prepare. This means exposing your pup to a little bit of the thing that scares them. Then, gradually increase the stimulus over time. It is best to do this during a season when there are no thunderstorms so you have more control over their exposure. You can play thunder noises at a low volume while your dog is calm, happy, and given reassurance. Over time and with consistency, your pal won’t have so much anxiety over storms.

Stay Calm

Our canines look to us for reassurance and are sensitive to our emotions. So, remain calm and show your pup that there is nothing to be scared of! This means you should stay calm, don’t show frustration, and don’t fuss over them during a storm. This could unintentionally reward their anxious behavior and make it harder to break.

Follow the tips above to help soothe your canine companion during storms!