Potatoes are a delicious human food that we all love! But can I share my potatoes with Fido? Read below to learn if it is safe for your dog to eat potatoes!

Can My Dog Eat Potatoes?

The short answer is yes, your dog can eat potatoes. Potatoes are used in many pet foods as a filler ingredient but are not nutrient-dense. Additionally, potatoes are generally safe when fed to your companion in moderation. However, not all potatoes are the same. So, what kinds of potatoes can my dog eat?

What Kinds Of Potatoes Can My Dog Eat?

The safest potatoes your pal can eat are cooked white potato and cooked sweet potato. Raw potatoes should be avoided because they can be toxic. Uncooked potatoes contain solanine that can damage cell membranes and block nerve signals. Additionally, raw sweet potatoes can be hard to digest and cause intestinal blockage. So, if you feed your canine potatoes, make sure they are peeled, cooked, and have no additional seasonings and toppings such as salt, butter, or sour cream. This also means that you should refrain from feeding your dog potatoes in the form of chips, french fries, and hashbrowns due to the extra oils and butter. Just more for you to enjoy!

Are Potatoes Good For My Dog?

Potatoes are non-toxic and won’t cause health issues when prepared properly before feeding your companion. While potatoes contain vitamins and minerals, they are not necessary for your canine’s diet. Your furry friend should already get all the nutrients they need from their dog food. So, feeding them potatoes doesn’t provide any additional nutritional benefit. Additionally, your dog should avoid them if they have diabetes because they can spike blood sugar.

Remember the types of potatoes that are safe for your canine the next time you want to feed them a snack!